Monday, August 20, 2018

Clinical Trial Completed

It's been awhile, I know, since I posted here.

Well, the "news" is only that my participation in the Study of Modified Stem Cells for Ischemic stroke survivors has ended.  I'm relieved because the 6-hour drive every few months was so tiring for both hubby and I.

However, there are a few participants yet to complete their one-year term in the study. I've been told to expect hearing results by January or February, 2019. That is when I will learn whether or not I received the stem cells; though my guess is that I did not, based on the fact that I've seen no improvement in my motor functions.

I've been told also, that, if I was not a recipient in this phase, then I may qualify to receive them for certain in the next phase.  Hubby is super excited about that; I'm not yet sure how I feel about it.

I still continue with my fatigue and some depression over my loss of independence, but otherwise, I feel fairly well.

I've no idea when (or if) I will post again but, if I do, it most likely won't be until next year.

Good-bye for now...thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Still The Same

It's been three months since I last posted...and, I'm still the improvements in my mobility/motor skills.

Had another visit the study's research team in CT, earlier this month.  Same testing as I've previously mentioned.

In general, I am still quite amazingly fatigued, which, if I had not mentioned previously, is worse since the surgery for the clinical trial, than the fatigue I had following the stroke.  I spend much time in bed, having no motivation for much else. :-(

One good thing, however, I have finally mastered the skill of putting on socks one-handed!  I don't have the wakefulness at the moment, to explain why this is a BIG deal for me, but it is really big.  :-)

I hope that all my readers, whoever you are, are doing well.