Friday, September 20, 2024

I have been remiss with my maintaining of this blog, to say the least; I guess that might make it obvious that I've lost interest. I do not, at this time, expect to continue making future posts here. I did; however wish to state that I had, in fact, received the higher dose of stem cells in the clinical trial but, apparently, the entire trial failed to show any great benefits. All these years later, there is no change in my physical state. I am, as much as I hate to say it, extremely depressed by my poor living conditions and lack of independence! I've acctually come to realize that I have been building years of anger within myself and, that being an emotion of which I never learned to properly release, I am in constant emotional pain of great magnitude and am looking to explore obtaining a way out (I'm exploring thoughts, laws and countries regarding voluntary euthanasia...I happen to believe that should be an option to anyone, without there being a prerequisite of being terminally ill). I shall end here as I know that what I've just written is a very hot/volatile topic.

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